

Hello, my name is ashikin mazli. Welcome to my territory.I'm a fangirl..and my job is fangilring..eg:screaming infront of the laptop alone in the room..soo dont judge me bish..ultimate bias:xiaolu biases:OT12..roll like a buffalo. :)

dear readers


i'm back!
12 Nov 2012 | 0 comments
Assalamualaikumm~hello there chingus all around the world~!i'm back~dah lame x update..sbb malas..and buisy fangirling over oppars and unnirs..:3..skin-changed..woohooo~sekarang musim cuti sekolah..okey..next year PMR..last batch of PMR..ottoke?!!!..*tampar2 pipi*..x pe2..get it slow and steady..huhh..selama aku x update blog ni..keje aku tumblr-ing je lahh..penuh tumblr aku..di sini lahh tempat aku meluahkan perasaan aku..then,next year ramai pindah kott...*sobs2*..and next year mungkin ade streaming class<<what the hell is this fckery!ughh~*sebenarnye kat sini aku x tau nak tulis ape*..kan aku dah mue merepek..puahaha!..and cuti sekolah ni aku x tau nak buat ape...berazam nak belajar..and one last thing~!..my result was like..S.H.I.T<these words..okey there..g.bye readers ~have a happy holiday!..soo doo continue to roll likea buffalo wih these peoples..:-

                                                 this is KAI!(the smile)
                     these are my precious friends.i'm nothing without these guys

                                      this is pre-debut chanyeol..his forever cute                          
                                      and this is yeol..happy virus yeol!

this is my future husband:3xiaolu..(hes taken by me)

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